The Credence / Cornell Tech Summer School will be held from June 29th to July 3rd of 2020 in New York City, hosted by Cornell University. You can read mode details here.
Read MoreThe Credence / Cornell Tech Summer School will be held from June 29th to July 3rd of 2020 in New York City, hosted by Cornell University. You can read mode details here.
Read MoreResearchers from the CREDENCE international collaboration network met in a workshop co-organized by University of Stavanger (UiS) and University of Oslo (UiO). The goal of CREDENCE is to support a collaboration network for excellent education and research in dependable and secure distributed systems. CREDENCE is related to BBCHAIN (UiS), SmartNem (UiO), GreenCharge (UiO), Conserns (UiO) and CIPSI (UiS). During four days, attendees provided enlightening lectures about on-going and future research. Students discussed their work during the poster session and participated in networking opportunities to build cross-border collaborations.
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